Construction completion Med Campus Module 2

Construction completion Med Campus Module 2

Construction completion Med Campus Module 2

With the Med Campus Graz, the Federal Real Estate Company and the Medical University of Graz are building one of the most modern centers for medical research and teaching in Europe. Module 2 is now structurally complete.
Module 1 opened in 2017, and anatomy is in the process of completion. Construction of Module 2 began in October 2018, and now the set-up phase is beginning. The entire Med Campus should then be structurally complete by the end of the year. BIG is investing more than EUR 400 million in the overall project, while the costs for Module 2 amount to around EUR 100 million. With around 90,000 m², the Med Campus will then be one of the largest university buildings in Austria. Thomas Lorenz ZT GmbH is responsible for the ÖBA as well as the test statics for this project. Despite the pandemic and the Ukraine crisis, all deadlines were met. This pleases the dedicated team of Thomas Lorenz!
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