With the racing bike on European tour

With the racing bike on European tour

With the racing bike on European tour

Our Krisztian Bodnar has used the company vacation for sporting excellence and evening grief. With his racing bike and a camera in his luggage he explored a part of Europe and so also a few of the international Thomas Lorenz projects.
Starting in southern Burgenland, the journey went first through Styria to Carinthia and on to East and South Tyrol. In Bolzano, he did not miss a detour to the construction site of the “Walther Park”. In the near future, a huge building complex consisting of 78 apartments, 35 investment apartments, 80 stores and 780 parking spaces will be built here. Krisztian statically calculated the mockup of various facade areas. From there, the tour continued towards the Ortler Alps and Switzerland with the route via Merano, Stilfs, Zernez, Davos, Lake Walen and Zurich to the German border. Near Basel followed the transition to Germany in the direction of the Black Forest and Freiburg. The next border passed was the French one and the tour went through Selestat, Nancy and Reims to the Atlantic coast in Calais. There, Krisztian took the ferry to Dover with gusto and had it take him to England. On the 10th day of the adventurous journey, the final destination London was reached. There, too, Thomas Lorenz ZT GmbH has already immortalized itself with the structural analysis of some impressive facades. In addition to visiting these objects, Krisztian enjoyed the city full of spectacular buildings and, in a way, was able to expand his know-how and gather ideas for new creative solutions that will certainly find their use in future projects. After 10 days, 1,780 kilometers ridden on the road bike and 20,000 meters of altitude climbed, London was a successful end to a vacation that had been used extensively. In his words: “Such journeys shape people deep inside. This can be helpful for both private and working life. The combination of sport activity, getting to know cultures as well as visiting different building objects makes such a tour perfect. From the point of view of facade statics, I think London is the city of facade projects.”
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